Quality products that are sustainable and made to last:

  • Cheaply made products destroy our planet by consuming valuable resources and creating huge amounts of waste.
  • Cheaply made products often support criminal/terrorist organizations and encourage inhumane working conditions for women and children.
  • Cheaply made products encourage our addiction to consumerism and materialism—making us feel better by constantly buying new things—most of the time which we don’t even need and will rarely use.
  • Buying quality made products (great materials, great craftsmanship) although they may cost more, encourages buying more what we really need, rather than what we simply want—and taking better care of it. Appreciating it more and passing it onto others who will appreciate it for years to come.
  • Buying local, quality made products help to support your community and fellow citizens, rather than supporting countries like China who steal our patents, engage in awful human rights abuses, create huge trade imbalances, and continually threaten our national security.

There will be no hiding behind anonymous screen names or fake accounts. In this way, we can hold ourselves responsible and accountable for what we present to one another and the world around us. The online community will become a place where people can interact, conduct business, and provide services for one another—all in alignment with the core values of the movement.

Supporting fair trade practices and human rights:

  • Whenever human beings are involved in anything, left to their own devices greed, corruption and self-interest will start to creep in and bleed through an organization—responsibility and accountability to ourselves and others is essential to prevent this natural human tendency.
  • Science and research tell us that there is no healthy amount of competition for a system—that cooperation and compassion should be the guiding principles and values—similar to how nature functions, and how our bodies and its collection of 40 trillion cells function.
  • Unregulated free market capitalism, with no regulations, oversight and accountability, will always lead to corruption, inequality, and the subjugation of some peoples by others.