If you find yourself nodding your head silently in agreement while reading the material on this website, please consider sharing the website, or book, with 6 people you really love and care about. We all know people who are struggling at the moment, who could use a perspective shift on how powerful they really are and how much untapped potential lies inside of them. The concept of 6 degrees of separation means we are all connected to one another around the world, through at most 6 different people. That means if each of us starts to share this message with just 6 of our closest family and friends, we can spread this message of hope and inspiration to the world in no timeā€”helping to re-claim our power and create the change we want to see in the world.

Being of Service

As we all know on a deep level, but often forget, it is better to give than receive. We are dedicated to the joy of serving others and helping those in need.


Writing Wizards + Content Creators


Social Media Mystics


Backend Development Magicians


Community Cultivators


Truth Seekers/ Fact Finders


Business Development Gurus


Volunteer for our Movement

We are a team of unapologetic idealists who believe accepting the current way we treat one another is a system built on outdated values we no longer hold. We work together, we celebrate together, and we foster change together.