“Imagine what would happen to our lives and our planet if we were all educated about our interconnectedness. If cooperation and compassion were universally shared values, guiding our decision-making at every scale of life. If we were taught from a young age that we are powerful manifesters with limitless possibilities, and that our only limitations are self-imposed through deeply-held beliefs.”

– Dr. Alexander Bacher

Dr. Alexander Bacher has dedicated his life to helping others and bettering the world around him, one friend, one patient, and one stranger at a time. Growing up in New York City, as an only child to parents who divorced when he was 5, he found meaning and purpose in social interactions with friends whom he considered family. He always felt honored and privileged to have others share the intimate details of their lives with him, which they often wouldn’t share with anyone else.

Dr. Bacher later became a leading psychologist at some of the world’s most renowned treatment centers. As Chief Psychologist at The Kusnacht Practice AG in Switzerland, Clinical Director at Passages Malibu, and psychologist at both Passages and Promises Treatment Centers in Malibu, Dr. Bacher has had the honor to treat some of the most famous, successful and powerful people in the world.

Beyond his practice, Dr. Bacher developed a fascination with diverse cultures, belief systems, and ways of life, exploring over 100 countries to date. During his travels, he has cultivated a global perspective that he has implemented in his own private concierge practice. Through his book Being Human, Dr. Bacher is currently spearheading the next chapter in a life dedicated to helping and healing.

“Once we shift our emphasis from the outer world to the inner world, we can tap into a special type of knowledge. It all starts with the realization that we are not simply visitors on this planet and in this experience we call life. This principle of interconnectedness inspires us to live healthier, happier, and more meaningful lives.”

– Dr. Alexander Bacher


We are all much more powerful than we think or believe. How we spend our time and money each and every day is one of the most important and powerful decisions we make. Do you spend time engaging in activities which bring joy, passion, and community into your life? Do you radiate peace, love, gratitude and kindness to all you encounter? Do you spend your time and money supporting people and businesses who share similar values as you? Do you purchase products which are environmentally safe and friendly from businesses and people who value the planet and other human beings such as yourself? Imagine a place where all the work in trying to figure these things out has already been done for you. A place where you can quickly and easily go to find products, retailers, restaurants, and services from people who have the same values as you, and have a proven track record of humanitarianism and environmentalism. A place where all the time and money you spend engaging helps to benefit all people, and not just some people. Where all people are treated and valued as human beings–each given the respect and financial benefits they deserve. We have the power to create this place if we choose…