Compassion and Cooperation – Open source sharing of information and technologies (energy)

  • How many times over the last hundred years have new innovations and technologies which threaten power structures such as governments, large industries and big businesses, had their patents seized, research stolen or destroyed, and inventions lost or hidden to the masses? The most popular one that comes to mind is Nikola Tesla and his discovery of free radiant energy back in the early 1900s. A discovery like that literally has the power to change the world—eradicating poverty and hunger in a single generation. Helping to reduce greenhouse gasses and save our ozone layer and planet as well, by reducing our addiction and dependence on fossil fuels.
  • We need to leverage the power of the internet and the power of the masses–their combined intelligence, wisdom and creativity, in order to develop the next life changing and planet saving technologies which will be available to everyone everywhere through open source databases. Where ideas and innovations are owned by the people and masses who help to create them, not by governments, businesses, academic institutions, etc., who have selfish political and financial biases and agendas behind them. Let’s work together to help pay it forward to others less fortunate.

There will be no hiding behind anonymous screen names or fake accounts. In this way, we can hold ourselves responsible and accountable for what we present to one another and the world around us. The online community will become a place where people can interact, conduct business, and provide services for one another—all in alignment with the core values of the movement.

Pay it forward effect and modeling greatness

Inspiring others by sharing the best of our ourselves and others

  • The concept of paying it forward is one almost everyone is familiar with–the chain reaction of kindness and generosity that occurs when a person (sometimes a complete stranger) does something unexpectedly nice to someone else–paying for the person behind them in the drive through starbucks line, or the next 3 cars behind them at the toll machine–which often causes others behind that original person to then do the same and pay it forward themselves.
  • There’s never been a positive newspaper in history which has lasted because we are all addicted to the drama—we need a constant source of positivity, inspiration, motivation, etc. in the world, where we can be bombarded by good. Where we can easily access and interact with people, places, things which inspire and empower us to be better versions of ourselves, in order to create a better world for all of us as a whole.
  • A place where we can one can come when feeling depressed, anxious, down, and out, and be re-energized and motivated by all the good and positivity they see going on in their communities and the world around them.
  • A place where people can come and easily volunteer their time, energy and services to individuals in need, as well as to great organizations and causes that are always in need volunteers, helping to pay it forward to others.
  • A place where all the people you interact and do business with adhere to the same high moral and ethical standards, witnessed by their words, actions and consistent behaviors over time. Where we each hold ourselves and others accountable to high moral and ethical standards by choice, because we know doing so creates the best outcome for everyone involved.
  • A place where the only individuals and businesses advertising are ones that adhere to the values of the Being Human Movement, and have track records of adherence to such principles and values; organizations whose approach to advertising are based in inspiration, motivation and empowerment—making us feel more than, instead of insecure and less than– like most traditional advertisers playing on our insecurities. Ever notice how advertisements for the superbowl are always more inspirational, relational and empowering/connecting, rather than the other ones throughout the year?